A reminder of what we moved into ten years ago…

Below is the original main room, when we were in the process of removing the partition between that and the front entrance, as it was rotten. We thought it would be a nice idea to leave it open plan. Actually, it turned out to be a BAD idea. Any heat from the Rayburn went straight up the stairs and out through the (uninsulated) roof. We hung curtains all over the place, but nothing kept the heat in.

So, the time comes when it makes sense to replace the partition. We begin by shutting off the under-stairs glory hole, it being easier to complete before the partition goes up.

I am quite pleased with myself for creating this double-hinged door.

Then we build the frame, and hang two doors that have been lurking in a shed for several years. It’s a bit of a struggle as the floor slopes down 2″ from left to right, and we aren’t experts at hanging doors, which we discovered quite a while ago.

We then clad the lobby side of the partition, and infill the frame with insulation before cladding the living room side. I rubbed down one of the original bedroom doors to replace the door to the under-stairs cupboard, on the left. Also we hang a new door leading into the extension, on a new frame, replacing the old external door.

The front lobby has now been upgraded from this…

To this

And the finished partition successfully traps the warmth where it is needed! There is work yet to do in this room, such as the ceiling, but there are other more important jobs waiting for good weather, such as a new roof, for which we are just getting quotes.

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